Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan (hafidhahullah) mentioned that the youth takes the responsibility from the elders in this Ummah therefore it is compulsory to give great importance to their cultivation.If from a young age a person is brought up by his parents upon righteousness, good manners and worshipping Allah (‘azza wa jal) then later on in life righteousness is easy for them because they were accustomed to the obedience of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’aala}.However, if the parents neglect the child or allow them to mix with others who are misguided or have bad character then later in life that youth will find it hard to change because his nafs has become accustomed to indulging his desires.Ibn Al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) said: ‘The greatest of wrongs a parent does to the child is neglecting them and not instilling Islam and the worship of Allah in them from an early age.’ So let us be diligent in cultivating our children upon khair inshaAllah.
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