Lesson 1
Release Date of Audio: 24-03-2020 This is the first lesson of the "Book of Knowledge" from Sahih Bukhari taught by Ustaadh Abu Humayd using the explanation of Shaykh Zayd ibn Haadi al-Madkhalee with supporting material from Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen. This lesson is an introduction and covers: - The reason why this is the third book in Sahih Bukhari - The virtues of knowledge - Why one should seek knowledge - Explanation of the following two verses: "Allah will exalt in degree those of you who believe, and those who have been granted knowledge. And Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do" 58:11 "and say: "My Lord! Increase me in knowledge" 20:114 Recorded at Masjid Sunnah Bradford on 17/8/2019
Lesson 2
Release Date of Audio: 31-03-2020 This is the Second lesson of the "Book of Knowledge" from Sahih Bukhari taught by Ustaadh Abu Humayd using the explanation of Shaykh Zayd ibn Haadi al-Madkhalee with supporting material from Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen. This lesson covers the first hadith. Some benefits: - What is the chain of a hadith? Some basic terminology on this - How should one act when one is interrupted? - Can you stop a khutbah and do something else? - The manners of the prophet, peace be upon him, in dawah - What are the signs of the hour? In this lesson Ustaadh Abu Humayd also brings a number of benefits from Ibn Hajr's explanation of Sahih Bukhari Recorded at Masjid Sunnah Bradford on 24/8/2019
Lesson 3
Release Date of Audio: 07-04-2020 This is the Third lesson of the "Book of Knowledge" from Sahih Bukhari taught by Ustaadh Abu Humayd using the explanation of Shaykh Zayd ibn Haadi al-Madkhalee with supporting material from Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen. This lesson covers the second hadith. Some benefits: - What is the ruling on using microphones & speakers? - Wiping over the feet in wudhoo is impermissible - People need both teachers and books for knowledge - Is wudhoo required when performing ghusl? Ibn Mas'ood: "Upon you is to have knowledge, for none of you know when he will be needed or when what he has [of knowledge] will be needed" Recorded at Masjid Sunnah Bradford on 31/8/2019
Lesson 4
Release Date of Audio: 14-04-2020 This is the 4th lesson of the "Book of Knowledge" from Sahih Bukhari taught by Ustaadh Abu Humayd using the explanation of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen. We discussed: - The reason this chapter followed the last - The various terminology used in narrating hadith - The various manners in which a student can narrate a hadith from his Shaykh - Why is Sahih Bukhari considered more authentic than Sahih Muslim Recorded at Masjid Sunnah Bradford on 31/8/2019
Lesson 5
Release Date of Audio: 21-04-2020 This is the 5th lesson of the "Book of Knowledge" from Sahih Bukhari taught by Ustaadh Abu Humayd using the explanation of Shaykh Zayd al-Madhkalee. Ustaadh Abu Humayd reads the Arabic text line by line and translates this into English, aiding the students in strengthening their Arabic. We discussed: - The virtues of knowledge - The benefits of the date palm tree - Asking questions - Shyness, its virtues and place in Islam - The use of parables and examples in the Qur'an and Sunnah Recorded at Masjid Sunnah Bradford on 14/9/2019
Lesson 6
Release Date of Audio: 28-04-2020 This is the 6th lesson of the "Book of Knowledge" from Sahih Bukhari taught by Ustaadh Abu Humayd using the explanation of Shaykh Zayd al-Madhkalee. We discussed: - The differing levels of people in knowledge - The importance of seeking knowledge - The virtue of the date palm trees and its likeness to the believer Ustaadh Abu Humayd reads the Arabic text line by line and translates this into English, aiding the students in strengthening their Arabic. Recorded at Masjid Sunnah Bradford on 21/9/2019
Lesson 7
Release Date of Audio: 05-05-2020 This is the 7th lesson of the "Book of Knowledge" from Sahih Bukhari taught by Ustaadh Abu Humayd using the explanation of Shaykh Zayd al-Madhkalee. We discussed: - The permissibility of narrating from a shaykh that which was read to him - The virtues of knowledge - What knowledge is fardh 'ayn and fardh kifaayah? - 20 benefits of Ibn Mulaqqin (the shaykh of Imam Ibn Hajr) Ustaadh Abu Humayd reads the Arabic text line by line and translates this into English, aiding the students in strengthening their Arabic. Recorded at Masjid Sunnah Bradford on 28/9/2019
Lesson 8
Release Date of Audio: 12-05-2020 This is the 8th lesson of the "Book of Knowledge" from Sahih Bukhari taught by Ustaadh Abu Humayd using the explanation of Shaykh Zayd al-Madhkalee. We discussed: - Transmitting knowledge through writing - Ruling on wearing rings (for men) - The story of the companion, Abdullah ibn Hudhaafah - The virtues of sitting with the righteous Ustaadh Abu Humayd reads the Arabic text line by line and translates this into English, aiding the students in strengthening their Arabic. Recorded at Masjid Sunnah Bradford on 5/10/2019
Lesson 9
Release Date of Audio: 19-05-2020 This is the 9th lesson of the "Book of Knowledge" from Sahih Bukhari taught by Ustaadh Abu Humayd using the explanation of Shaykh Zayd al-Madhkalee. We discussed: - The virtues of joining the circles of knowledge - How to be among those who the favour of Allah is upon - The dangers of not acting upon knowledge - Multiple benefits from the hadith in this chapter Ustaadh Abu Humayd reads the Arabic text line by line and translates this into English, aiding the students in strengthening their Arabic. Recorded at Masjid Sunnah Bradford on 13/10/2019
Lesson 10
Release Date of Audio: 26-05-2020 This is the 10th lesson of the "Book of Knowledge" from Sahih Bukhari taught by Ustaadh Abu Humayd using the explanation of Shaykh Zayd al-Madhkalee. We discussed: - The obligation of the one with knowledge to teach in certain circumstances - The one who is absent and hears about the hadith may have greater understanding than the one who heard it directly. - The sanctity of the blood, honour and wealth of a Muslim Ustaadh Abu Humayd reads the Arabic text line by line and translates this into English, aiding the students in strengthening their Arabic. Recorded at Masjid Sunnah Bradford on 19/10/2019
Lesson 11
Release Date of Audio: 02-06-2020 This is the 11th lesson of the "Book of Knowledge" from Sahih Bukhari taught by Ustaadh Abu Humayd using the explanation of Shaykh Zayd al-Madhkalee. Ustaadh Abu Humayd reads the Arabic text line by line and translates this into English, aiding the students in strengthening their Arabic. We discussed: - Rights of the believers - Some rulings connected to buying and selling - Warning against hiding knowledge Recorded at Masjid Sunnah Bradford on 9/11/2019
Lesson 12 - 17
No Notes available.
Lesson 18
This is the 18th lesson of the "Book of Knowledge" from Sahih Bukhari taught by Ustaadh Abu Humayd using the explanation of Shaykh Zayd al-Madhkalee. Ustaadh Abu Humayd reads the Arabic text line by line and translates this into English, aiding the students in strengthening their Arabic. We discussed: - The two reasons for traveling for knowledge - The story of Jaabir traveling for a single hadith - The story of Musa and Khidr - The parable of the prophet gave about those who seek knowledge and spread Recorded at Masjid Sunnah Bradford on 18/1/2020 and streamed live on
Lesson 19
No Notes
Lesson 20
This is the 20th lesson of the "Book of Knowledge" from Sahih Bukhari taught by Ustaadh Abu Humayd using the explanation of Shaykh Zayd al-Madhkalee. Ustaadh Abu Humayd reads the Arabic text line by line and translates this into English, aiding the students in strengthening their Arabic. We discussed: - The disappearance of knowledge - Taking knowledge from the elders - The virtues of knowledge - The virtues of Umar ibn Khattaab Recorded at Masjid Sunnah Bradford on 1/2/2020 and streamed live on
Lesson 21
This is the 21st lesson of the "Book of Knowledge" from Sahih Bukhari taught by Ustaadh Abu Humayd using the explanation of Shaykh Zayd al-Madhkalee. Ustaadh Abu Humayd reads the Arabic text line by line and translates this into English, aiding the students in strengthening their Arabic. We discussed: - The permissibility of giving fatwa while standing - The four actions on the day of Nahr during Hajj - The permissibility of doing the 4 actions in different orders - The virtues of seeking knowledge Recorded at Masjid Sunnah Bradford on 8/3/2020 and streamed live on
Lesson 22
This is the 22nd lesson of the "Book of Knowledge" from Sahih Bukhari taught by Ustaadh Abu Humayd using the explanation of Shaykh Zayd al-Madhkalee. Ustaadh Abu Humayd reads the Arabic text line by line and translates this into English, aiding the students in strengthening their Arabic. We discussed: - The level of Imam Bukhari - Permissibility of indicating with the hand or head - The eclipse prayer - and many more benefits Recorded at Masjid Sunnah Bradford on 14/3/2020 and streamed live on