The Shaykh’s lecture was concerning knowledge and seeking it. From the benefits of the lecture:
Strive for Knowledge!
- Striving for knowledge is done in order to gain knowledge of the Shari’ah and to act upon it and to share it with the muslims and the non muslims. There are 2 types of “Striving” for knowledge;
- Striving in the heart – Having a great desire for seeking knowledge and spreading it
- Striving of the body – Physically travelling for knowledge and seeking out the means of gaining knowledge, for example, in our time using the internet to connect with scholars.
Be with the ‘Ulamaa!
- It is imperative that you connect yourself to the Ulamaa. “Ulamaa” – refers to scholars of the shari’ah and the sunnah, those who follow the Prophets and the righteous predecessors. Life cannot be upon goodness unless a person returns their affairs back to the scholars. Being with the scholars has different levels;
- Directly gaining from the scholar – Benefit from rectification of your belief, understanding what opposes the correct belief, knowing the major and minor shirk, bid’ah and disobedience (major and minor sins). This is the highest of the levels.
- Indirectly gaining from the scholar – Benefiting from the books and tapes of the scholars.
Study your religion!
- The reward for the one who spreads and the one who studies knowledge is the same. It is an obligation on the scholar to teach and it as an obligation upon the student to learn.
- The student must give importance to studying, they should seek Allaah’s aid in learning His Religion and they should focus the most important affairs followed by the next important and so on. For example, they should begin with;
- Know the 3 categories of Tawheed
1) Uloohiyyah – Worshipping Allaah alone with your wealth and your self.
2) Ruboobiyyah – Oneness in Lordship, He is sole Creator, Provider, Giver & Taker of Life and Maintainer of All Affairs. Ruboobiyyah will not benefit unless you learn Uloohiyyah.
3) Names and Attributes – Affirm them, following the footsteps of the Salaf. Restrict affirmation to Quran and Sunnah.
- 5 Pillars of Islam
- 6 Pillars of Iman
- Learn how to recite the Quran, its meanings
- Learn the Ahadith of the Prophet Alayhis Salaatu Was salaam, relating to Tawheed, halal and haram, etc.
To find out the answers to these questions, and more details from both of these excellent talks, listen to the audio! BaarakAllaahu feekum.