The Reality of the Founder & Follower of Hizb ut-Tahrir | Abdulilah Lahmami Jun 4, 2014 | Abdulilah Lahmami, Belief (Aqeedah), Callers & Individuals, Categories, Deviated Sects, Groups & Parties, Innovations in Islam (Bidah), Markaz Muaadh, Methodology (Manhaj), Monotheism (Tawheed), Refutations, Sects, Series, Speaker Found out about the reality of the group named ‘Hizb ut-Tahrir’ – including its founder and origins and the links to the blood thirsty khawarij of old and new. Part 1: Taqi ud-Deen Nabahaani Part 2: Omar Bakri Mohammad Courtesy of Markaz Muaadh in Slough Related